SOTD: Wild Rivers – Don’t


Wild Rivers has mastered the balance of introspection and captivation when it comes to their music. Case in point – their latest single, “Don’t” will get stuck in your head, and  make your heart feel all of the unrequited feels.

“Don’t” is an indie pop darling of a track about the breaking point of a relationship. The band shares: “I’ve heard the adage my whole life: when you know, you know. People describe love at first sight as an irrevocable moment when you know you want to be with someone forever. I’m not sure it always shakes out like that. In my experience, as you get to know someone, you slowly come closer to knowing. It boils down to making an active decision to choose someone or not. If not, you try to make a really painful, adult decision to move on, and you try to trust that it’s the right decision even when it’s hard. This song is about making that call.

Learn more about Wild Rivers here and listen to ‘Don’t’ on your streaming platform of choice here.


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